My heart is heavy this morning. Not because of the outcome of the election, but because as I listen to Christian radio, see many Christian’s blog postings, and talk to fellow believers many are acting as if all is lost.
Somewhere along the line Jesus and Uncle Sam became the same person to many American believers. Somewhere along the line too many Christian’s hope was placed in the god of America instead of the God of the Bible. Somewhere along the line the Gospel became not a message of Christ crucified and risen for me but a message of social change.
What a comfort and joy to know that God is still God! What a comfort and joy to know that God can use anyone to accomplish what He desires. What a comfort as Christians to know that we don‘t have to fear the future or have anxiety about our country. Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us on Calvary we can rejoice in our “present troubles” knowing that they are only temporary and that soon we will see Jesus face to face!
Remember Jesus’ call to pray for all people, to love them, to serve them, and to share the “Hope that we have" with them!
Marantha! Come Lord Jesus!