About three weeks ago I (L) was looking online at the real estate market in our fair community. The inner house flipper in me is always looking for a really good deal. So, to make a long story short, we put our house on the market yesterday and are going to make an offer on another place.
The "new place" is in a great neighborhood, has a huge playground across the street, is over 3,500 square feet, and is only a few blocks from the church.
We are doing this mostly because we just didn't think we are busy enough. Between having a one year old (Happy Birthday Z!), in the process of adopting our next, and both K and I working on school we just didn't know what to do with all our extra time!
In all seriousness, what a blessing it is to know that no matter how full our plates are that God is gracious, loving, and sovereign. May we ever rest in Him.
~L, K, Z and K or M