We really try to limit the amount of TV that the kiddos get to watch each day to just a small amount. Z, however, would be quite happy to watch Blue's Clues for hours on end.
Tonight Z and I were building towers and playing Cooties when he asked, "Daddy, Blue's Clues... please?" He put on a really cute smile and even did the sign language for please to go along with it.
I had already told him earlier that we were not going to watch any more TV tonight and I reminded him of that. He started to pout and cry a little bit and then he stopped and did something that was such an amazing blessing as a Daddy to see. (Even as I type it I tear up again.) Z stopped, closed his eyes, and prayed for about 10 seconds. I didn't catch all of what he said but I did catch. "Jesus, help me listen and obey. Amen."
The beautiful faith of a child...
Jesus, may I listen and obey too. Amen.