Well, we finally made it! After four and a half layover in Denver and a screaming child on the airplane, we are happy and peaceful once again. While waiting in the airport, Z and I grabbed a bite to eat. As you can see, instead of a highchair Z wanted to eat on top of my suitcase.

On Saturday we left for the beach. Z did great on the car ride! We have spent a little time at the beach each day. Z loves to sand...dumping it in and out of his bucket. He does not, however, enjoy the ocean water.

We have spent most of our water time (which is a lot) at the pool. Z has learned how to jump (a.k.a. lean) towards the water. He loves it!!

Z loves my sister! They laugh at each other often. E taught Z how to drink from a straw and from a water bottle. When he started he wore more water than he drank, but now he is pretty good at it!

J made blueberry pancakes for breakfast yesterday. As you can see, it was a huge hit! I had to laugh because Z looks like he is wearing war paint. There was blueberry juice on his head, chest, and legs.
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