Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thank You Jesus...

We really try to limit the amount of TV that the kiddos get to watch each day to just a small amount. Z, however, would be quite happy to watch Blue's Clues for hours on end.

Tonight Z and I were building towers and playing Cooties when he asked, "Daddy, Blue's Clues... please?" He put on a really cute smile and even did the sign language for please to go along with it.

I had already told him earlier that we were not going to watch any more TV tonight and I reminded him of that. He started to pout and cry a little bit and then he stopped and did something that was such an amazing blessing as a Daddy to see. (Even as I type it I tear up again.) Z stopped, closed his eyes, and prayed for about 10 seconds. I didn't catch all of what he said but I did catch. "Jesus, help me listen and obey. Amen."

The beautiful faith of a child...

Jesus, may I listen and obey too. Amen.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Baby K started walking last week! Since we recorded this video she has gotten much more steady on her feet.

It is amazing how fast she is growing up!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Jam Session!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Last week Z came to me and said, "Dada. Elmo go outside."

Z got Elmo and K's baby doll stroller and proceeded to take Elmo on a 20 minute walk. Z didn't want any help even though it was hard to push the stroller in the grass. The whole walk Z was talking to Elmo and giving him instructions. Two different times Z got down in front of the stroller and gave Elmo quite the talking to for "not listening." He even asked Elmo, "Need spanking?"

And here is picture of K being her adorable self!